Imprint / Contact

CeiliX Technology GmbH

Registered office:
Josef-Ruhr-Str. 30, 53879 Euskirchen, Germany

Email: [email protected]

Commercial register: Local Court (Amtsgericht) Aachen
Managing Directors: Mathias Entenmann, Lisa Seipp
Registration number: HRB 27652 
VAT ID: DE369072294

Person responsible for content according to Section 18(2) MStV:
Mathias Entenmann, Managing Director


All rights reserved. Reproduction—in whole or in part—is not permitted.

All information, data, graphics, and publications published by CeiliX Technology GmbH have been researched and compiled with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge. Where content is derived from external sources, it has been adopted without alteration, without claiming completeness or freedom from errors, and without ruling out possible misinterpretation or misuse by users of this website. Consequently, liability can only be assumed in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct. Any further liability is excluded.

Each user is obliged to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information provided. All logos, company names, and images may not be used by users of this website for their own purposes of any kind and remain fully subject to the copyright and image rights of the respective owners/sources.

Furthermore, it should be noted that all information from external sources is subject to unrestricted copyright protection in every respect. It is provided exclusively for informational purposes and may not—except for personal use and documentation (download)—be reproduced, incorporated into one’s own publications, or otherwise used by users of this site without the written consent of the respective copyright holder.

Any liability or claims for damages by users of this information service, based on the reasons stated above, are excluded.

Similarly, CeiliX Technology GmbH rejects any legal claims arising from misuse of this website by its users.

Downloading files is at your own risk. We assume no liability for damages that occur directly or indirectly from the use of these files. This applies particularly if these files are used for unlawful acts.

By judgment of May 12, 1998, the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that by providing a link, one may share responsibility for the content of the linked site. According to the court, this can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from said content. We have placed links to other websites on our pages. For all such links, the following applies: We explicitly declare that we have no influence on the design or content of the linked pages. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content on all linked pages on our website and do not adopt such content as our own. This declaration applies to all links displayed on our website and to all content on the sites to which banners and links registered with us lead. We assume no liability for these pages.

By using this information service, you acknowledge the above conditions as legally binding.